About the Awards
JCI Mauritius Creative Young Entrepreneur (CYE) Program
The core of the CYE program is for young leaders to showcase their up and running businesses. CYE challenges young entrepreneurs to critically, innovatively and creatively think by requiring them to provide an in-depth business model, their marketing position, and strategic goals on how their venture will begin to earn a profit and become sustainable.
By providing expert mentorship and as part of the CYE experience, this program is not only a grading system but instead is an experience for participants to actively learn and receive insightful feedback. Whether a participant is first place or not, their business is sure to benefit from the experience.
Developing this enterprising spirit and self-starter mindset is at the core of JCI’s Business and Entrepreneurship Area of Opportunity.
About the Organizers
JCI City plus
Junior Chamber International City Plus (formerly known as Jeune Chambre Economique de City Plus) is a worldwide federation of young professionals and entrepreneurs. The organization operates on the premise that the development of individual character and personality will result in communities that are better developed and, eventually, in a more peaceful world.
In 2008, a group of energetic and ambitious young adults was eager to create a new Local Organization to sustain the JCI Mission and Vision. 16 years after, this eagerness is still joyfully running in our veins.
JCI City Plus members come from all walks of life and as a team united to create a positive impact and change in the community. In 2023, under its motto engage for excellence, this Local Organisation aims to make individuals and society to Be Better.
JCI Mauritius
JCI Mauritius was officially set up in 1980, operating as a French local chapter. In 1984, it was founded by one of the most influential entrepreneurs of the country – Michel de Speville C.B.E, founder of Eclosia Group and won its affiliation with JCI at 1984 World Congress in Montreal, Canada.
Since then, many members of JCI Mauritius have served at international level namely, Marday Venkatasamy, Clairette Ah Hen, Henry Loo Chin May, Patrice Ferriere, Aruna Pulton, Ryad Subratty and Asha Auckloo. Arnaud Godere, O.S.K, past President of the Mauritius Post, is the only Mauritian to serve as JCI World President in 1994. JCI Mauritius has around 150 members through its local chapters and is recognised as a model Non-Governmental Organisation.